Mama Lemke had to work on Thanksgiving Day so we decided to have our big family party on Friday. My family still wanted to have our own Thanksgiving , and I already had a turkey so we had thanksgiving two days in a row. Both dinners were very good and I have to say it didn't help in my quest to be swimsuit worthy for Hawaii, but it was worth it.

At Grandma's house the girls made pretty pictures with all grandma's scrapbooking stamps.

The boy's were very serious about their Yoga on the Wii Fit, it was pretty funny to watch.

Everyone had a great time and a relaxing evening.
Girl, you're so hot, you'll totally rock it in Hawaii!!! Looks like you all had fun on Thanksgiving, I missed being with my fam.
Looks like you all had a good turkey day! Your babies are so darn cute I can't stand it. It makes me baby hungry (just a little) but then I remember they grow and won't go to bed even though you yell and scream!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I tagged you!
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