It has been a busy week. First, Stacia learned how to ride her bike without the training wheels!! Bobby has been working with her and she was finally brave enough to do it. I think the fact that most of her friends can already do it played a big part in her learning. She is riding like a pro already, now I just have to concentrate on keeping her in the neighborhood. Great job Stacia!!
On July23rd we took Stacia and Landon to the Real game. They ate a huge snow cone and were all hyper for the rest of the game, but that's what your supposed to do at games right? After the game they had a firework show and of course the kids loved it.
I put Lauren's hair in a pony tail for the first time and she was so cute that I just had to take pictures. We then went up to visit Amanda and Wade and I announced that Lauren had her first pony tail!! I was very excited for them to see her, but then Amanda told me that she had already done that while we were in Lake Powell. Oh well, so it's not her first pony tail She still looks pretty darn cute.
Cami and James invited us to the AF pool on Friday and at first I wasn't sure because Bobby had to work, but I am so glad we went. The kids had a blast and it was Lauren's first swimming pool experience. Thanks Fountaines I couldn't have done it without help.
Then on Friday night my parent's had a neighborhood party to celebrate Pioneer Day. I had no idea how big of an event it was going to be. There were water slides and kiddie pools and enough food to feed an ARMY!! Then of course there were a ton of fireworks. It was a lot of fun to see old friends and get caught up on life.

On Saturday, we went to The Jared Lemke home to hang out with Rachel and Austin while they babysat the kids. They have a great back yard so everyone played and had fun.
Totally Tubular Kids!
Jason thought it was so much fun to push Milli on the swing!
What fun neighbors we have!
I hear rumor that my name may have been mentioned at this block party. Is it true.
That looks like fun. You look great by the way. Congrats to Stacia on her bike. My daughter just got one for her birthday but broke her arm right after so she hasn't been able to learn how to ride it yet.
HEy sis! Love the pony tail! Yours was cuter than mine ok... feel better?! hehe! I love all the pics... I need to put mine up now! Loves!
We weren't invited to the old neighborhood block party? :( *sniff sniff* I'm only kidding. I love Stacia's pose with her bike! It was good to see you the other day! I'm sure we will run into each other again!
Your kids are the cutest. So your parents are back in the old neighborhood? I heard the lady who lives in my old house is mean.
Hey Benjamin Franklin, why don't you leave your email for me?
Hey lady! You are one busy woman! It is so fun when your kids learn to ride their bike. When my little girl Kelby learned we were so excited. Now we can't get her off the thing. When everything slows down and the kids are in school lets get together.
I am glad you came to the pool and you did have a crazy week, wow!! I like her hair in a pony, so cute.
doesnt it show it when you click on my name? apparently i dont blog enough.
LOVE the pose!
Your kiddos are SO cute!
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