Since Halloween is just a few days away, we decided it was time to carve our pumpkins. Stacia and Milena drew faces on theirs and then Bobby helped them cut out the pieces. Landon wanted to pick a pattern out of the kit so he picked one that he says is Iron Man and I helped him cut it out ( Okay I pretty much did it all and I have to say that by the time I was finished my arm was killing me, how sad is that?). Bobby also did one of the patterns and found out it's not as easy as it seems, but they all turned out great and we had a lot of fun doing it.

Great Auntie Nenka always sends the kids a Halloween card with a McDonald's gift card. They love it, not only do they get mail, but they also get to go to their favorite restaurant. Thank you Auntie Nenka We love You!!!

We didn't do anything too fabulous over UEA weekend, but we did manage to get to the park for a picnic. We went to Wines park and as soon as we got there I noticed that there was a Police Car parked on one side of the park, which wouldn't be that weird accept then I noticed there were two more circling the park. They were there for almost the whole time we were, but I never did find out what was going on. I was going to take a picture of the one who was parked so I could post it, but I am a big chicken and thought he might get mad.

For some reason a baby on a swing is so darn cute :)
Lauren has learned how to climb the stairs which to me is not a happy occasion at all, but as you can see she is pretty proud of herself.

So that's what we have been up to the last few weeks. We also all got the flu, but I don't have any pictures of that, thank goodness.
Could you be any cuter!!! Your blog is AWESOME!!! As usual love the pictures....DANG your kids are cute! Maybe it´s good that I´m not having kids, this way I don´t have to be sad because they aren´t as cute as yours! hugs
Oh-those-legs!! How cute and chubby! (the baby not you Gina..ha ha)
Great pumpkins!!! I am glad you could enjoy your picnic.
Great pumpkins!!! I am glad you could enjoy your picnic.
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