Lauren was a trouble maker and a miracle right from the start. We thought we were complete after we had Milena, but Lauren had other ideas. I didn't know she was on her way until I was 4 months pregnant and by the time I got int0 the Doctor I was over 5mths along. She was born seven weeks early so there was only ten weeks separating my first Dr. appt. and the delivery...I know shortest Pregnancy ever! She had to stay in the NICU for three long weeks, and even though I thought I was a pro at the NICU stuff it was still really hard and and I had my meltdowns. It was so wonderful to bring her home, she is such a happy girl, we are so happy and thankful to have her in our family. I'm feeling a multitude of emotions today, she is growing so fast and now knowing she is my last baby is making me a little sad, but also very happy.

It was such a blessing when we could finally hold her.

Already enjoying tanning.

First Halloween, 6 days before coming home.

Mom is exhausted but happy to be going home.

Blessing day.

3 months old

5 months old

10 months old

First time swimming, 9 months old

Our little munchkin has come a long way, you would never know she was only 4lbs when she was born... she has surely made up for that.
Stacia, Landon and Milena got her some goldfish and a cute little book.

We are having a little family party for her on Sunday, but I really wanted to celebrate on her birthday. As you can see she very much enjoyed the cake, I'm sure she won't mind doing it again for the fam.
Happy Birthday, Lauren! My my, this year went by fast.
She's beautiful, as are all your children.
Wow you updated fast! She is so cute... I remember when she was 4lbs... she was SO TINY! Remember the picture of Kamree next to her and she looked like a doll!? I seriously can't believe she is 1! Time flies too quickly..
She is just so cute! It has been fun to watch her grow this year.
OMG!! That is the cutest blog ever!! I remember those first days and weeks...Gina, you are a strong woman. One of the strongest I know. I love you!! and I love Lauren so much!!
So you totally did NOT leave a comment on my post... you must not have realized that you probably got the letters wrong or something... haha..
I'm really jealous of the short pregnancy...not so jealous of the NICU experience. We had a similar situation with our youngest and it is SO NOT FUN! She is a cutie.
Ohhhhh, what a cutie! I'm sad we missed her party! I can't believe she's already one! Time flies...
Happy Birthday Lauren! She is such a cutie!
Gina!! I hope you don't mind me taking a peek....your family is beautiful! I have often wondered what you've been up too, I'm sad that we never kept in touch. Hope all is well.
Julie (Toombs) Oeser
Yes!! I'm still around, lets SERIOUSLY do Lunch or something....!?!
It is amazing what a miracle it is for those little ones to get here. She is adorable!
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