Landon was baptized on Aug. 6th and it was a wonderful day. He had so much love and support from his family and friends. We are so happy with him and the person he is growing up to be. We love you Landon and feel very blessed to have you in our family!
After lunch we went to the beach and then swimming at the hotel pool. We all had a great time.
When we got home everyone just hung out and enjoyed being together. Grandma Lemke played a game of Monopoly with the kiddos :)

A good part of the night was spent playing on Christy's phone. Phones can do so many silly things these days :)
It was a special day and I am so thankful for my family and for the Gospel in my life.
So happy for you Lando!!! What a neat experience, and I wish I could have been there!!! Love you guys :)
Way to go Landon!
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