So the last few years have been interesting. We have had some good trials and learned a lot. With life being crazy and me working so much I just didn't have the energy to blog. Now that we are living in California and life is getting more stable, I decided it's time to get back on the ball! I don't think I can ever catch up so I am just going to start fresh.
Easter 2011
Coloring Eggs!
On Easter morning I got my girls all beautified for church and about 5 min. after I finished Lauren she found the face paints and went to town! Luckily it wiped right off.

CUTE!!!! Glad you're settling in! Miss you though!
Yay for an update, but we sure miss you all!!
The kids look adorable. We miss you!
:( We miss you all too.
Haha Welcome back to the blogging world!
Life is crazy huh??! Can't believe your in Cali now. Good luck with everything!
Your kids are just darling!
Love the girls' dresses - the pictures make me miss you guys even more! Your backyard looks really nice though! Glad you had a good Easter. Are you finding your way around town?
I can find my way to Target and back... what else do I really need? Haha
Yay I am so happy you updated!! The kids look so cute!!! I love the sashes, which I am sure you made since you are amazing at that kind of stuff! I want to come visit soon... I miss you SO MUCH!
Oh the kids look SO cute!!! I miss you!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!! Seeing your cute little family makes my boring life so much better. Hope California is treating you well. Hugs!
Welcome back to blogging. It is nice to see your cute family again. I can't believe you are in California. I will miss going to lunch with you. Take care!
I can't believe you are in California! I hope you are all doing well! I miss you! It's been forever since I have talked to you! Your kids are so big! They are all adorable! I am glad you are back in the blogging world! That way we can keep in touch:).
YEE-Ha! so Glad to see the Ginn's back on the bloging scene! James mentioned something about you guys moving to Cali. I need details. I am going to have to call you so we can catch-up. Where abouts in Cali are you? Close to Disney? Anywho, so glad your back. And oh my big is Lauren. So she and Lando are twins and Stasha and Marlana (hee hee) are twins!
Ya call me for sure! I would love to see you. And I know Tricia would too! We could go do lunch or something!
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