A lot of people think their kids walk on water, but mine really do!! What a talented boy I have :)

I think Stacia and Abby were joined at the hip. They were always together having a great time. Bobby got Stacia up on the wake board with him which was awesome until they took a tumble, after that she was pretty timid to try anything. She did tell me she would try again next year.

Captain Chris
Chris is super picky, he won't ski unless the water is up to his standards.
Campfire fun
Brett doing some boarding.
So I think I am finally getting better at this wake boarding stuff. I even landed some of those jumps. Yea me :)

Bobby and Abby
Carson on the knee board
Emma and Kelsie
Stacia and Abby
Christian taking Adam and Landon on a hike.
At the end of each day the kids were pooped, aren't they cute when they're sleeping