Friday, October 7, 2011

Lake Powell 2011

                                We Love Lake Powell

Gina cliff jumping from close to 30 feet up.

Kory and Katie Lewis
Jonathon and Tasha Beisinger

Kenny and Jillyn Whitehead

Jason and Nicole Bender

                              Picture Perfect

          Air Time for Bobby

                          The Boys Tubing

           The start to a great Luau

                     Nice Melons

              Nice drinks Mormon style!

                                                     Nice Faces...............Benders

Time to DANCE!!!!!!!!!!

Group Photo

Brian and Krista Pendelton

Travis and Heather Jordan

We all got Hawaiian names for the party.
Kia and Popi

Time for a movie cliff side.... back up your houseboat like you would your station wagon.

Gina on another glassy day.

You can always find Glass at Lake Powell if you look.

Two Great People
Thanks for the great trip Kory and Katie.



Might be the last time He tries the flip. Bobby's Back still hurts a month later. He's OLD

Wont be the last time I catch air. I'm still young.