I can't believe summer is already over, it seemed really short this year. The kids started school on Aug. 23rd and they all are doing great. They all like their teachers and it was fun for Stacia and Landon to see some of the friends they made at the end of last year.
They are growing up so fast! Stacia is in 4th grade, Landon is in 3rd and Milena started kindergarten!!
Lauren had her first day of preschool on Aug. 25th. She was so excited and she has no problem leaving mom, which makes me happy and a little sad. She said " just drop me off on the sidewalk and I'll run in. Then you drive away mom". She was not happy when I told her I have to walk her inside but she got over it and I think she likes it now.

Stacia, Landon and Milli are all playing soccer this year and they had their first games on Saturday. First up was Stacia, her team played well and had fun but they still lost 6-0. That's what practice games are for right?
Stacia played goalie for a quarter and she did great. She said "I didn't let them score one goal when it was my turn, except that one" Haha, she's a funny girl :)

Next was Milli's turn. At her age they all pretty much just swarm around the ball, which is very cute. The game ended in a 1-1 tie.

Then we had Landon's game. Like with Stacia's game they played well but ended up losing 4-0. Landon is the youngest on his team and is learning a lot from his teammates.