The kids and I went to Utah for almost three weeks. We packed in as much fun as could, which was a lot! We spent the first few days hanging out and relaxing at Grandma's house. The kids had fun blowing bubbles with Amanda's kids.

Lauren LOVES Corbin! She wanted to hold him constantly and when he wasn't with us she would beg me to go get him. She also started pretending that her baby doll was Corbin, it was so cute.

Amanda put together a cabin trip for us and of course we had a great time. there is so much to do there, we love it!
The little girls all cozy watching a movie :)

Rachel and Austin brought their dog Molly and Stacia fell in love with her.

Corbin is four weeks old, it's about time he went 4 wheelin'!!

This is the view I had of the boys the whole weekend :)

Lauren had a collision with Makayla on the first night and she got this impressive black eye!

Playing in the water.

Going for a ride with Uncle Jared.

We spent a day at the Thanksgiving Point farm. The kids are seeing which animal they weigh as much as.

Playing in jail

They love feeding the animals

Grandma Lemke and a llama

Milli and her cow friend Millie :)

We went on a wagon ride and Lauren said "look mom no hands" haha she's cute :)

Jeff and Christy came down on the 4th of July and we took the kids to the children's garden at Thanksgiving Point. I have never been there before and didn't know what to expect, but it was really fun the kids had a great time.

Jeff throwing Lauren into the pond

The bear cave

Stacia kissing a snake

Making beautiful music

Jeff held the kids over the water spouts so they would get nice and wet :)

Jeff happy that he has drenched the kids

Love for Uncle Jeff

After the garden, we had a bar-b-que with the Johnson's. we set up a pool and slip n' slide for the kids.

Stacia and Mckenna took a break from swimming to decorate the table's with stickers.

Holly and Bryce were twinners, so cute!!

Time for a dance party and some fireworks!!

The neighbors all gather to do fireworks together it's really fun

The Johnson's

The Top's

It's fun to watch Liz and Jeanie do the YMCA!!


Fun with glow sticks

Don't worry, Makayla has the matches!!

We stopped by the old house and the flowers are doing great

Last day with everyone. We love you guys!!

Rachel was turning 25 so we got her an awesome little cake. It has a stiletto on it, so cute :)

We had such a good time hanging out with family and friends, the only thing that could have made the trip better is if Bobby could have come with us.