My Grandpa Lemke passed away in March, 2 days before his 90th birthday :( We knew it was coming, he had been sick for a couple of months and in and out of the hospital... but it was still so hard to take. My parents had already planned a trip out to Wisconsin for his birthday so they already had a flight out and said they would help whoever wanted to come. So of course I jumped on it, cause I really felt like our family should be represented there. So after looking at tons of flights, Me, Amanda, Rachel and Jared all got a flight out to Wisconsin. Paul had just arrived home from California and couldn't make it. (We missed having him there with us!) I really loved my grandpa and will miss him dearly. My only regret is not being able to see him more. Living so far away made it difficult to truly be close with him. The times we did visit, or that he came to visit us was always such a good time though. I will remember it well. Grandpa was such a fun loving guy, and it makes me realize just where my dad got all of his sense of humor and fun personality from... they are alike in so many ways. I will always remember that about my grandpa, he was always smiling and goofing off. He had a love for bowling and golf and was known as "Geno". My dad's mom had passed away at a young age and he has been without her for I believe it was 37 years? I know they are together again and that makes me so happy!! We love you and will miss you so much grandpa!
When we got to Wisconsin we had to have my parents favorite pizza, NEDS! Mmm, it was so yummy and so much fun to spend time with my family.
Of course we had to hit our FAVORITE frozen custard spot.. KOPPS! Literally the best you will ever have :)
This was the night before the funeral, we went to my aunt Paulette's and helped put picture boards together.
In this picture we are in my Grandpa's house, it is all of us with Grandpa.. (literally, I swear the spot in the middle by his picture is Grandpa there with us.. Jared.. it's not a thumb print! haha)
This is right after the funeral, putting the casket in the car.
These were the soldiers outside... SO COOL, they shot off gunshots for grandpa and it was the neatest experience.