Landon tested to become a yellow belt in his Tae Kwon Do class. He did great and even broke a board at the end. It was very exciting and dad even took us all for ice cream afterwords.
Lauren had her first rice cereal on April 6th and she seemed to like it. Of course after eating we had to give her a bath. She is getting to be so much fun, she laughs and tries to talk and sing. She also rolled over for the first time!!!
Bobby and I met in Feb. of '99. I stole his couch and so a friendship began. It was somewhat of a bumpy ride, but we fell in love and got married on March 4th, 2000. Since then we have had four beautiful children, Stacia is 10, Landon is 9, Milena is 6 and little Lauren is 4. We enjoy being together and we laugh at the silly things kids do.